Green Jay, Altamira Oriole, Audubon's Oriole, Ringed Kingfisher, Green Kingfisher, Great Kiskadee, Clay-colored Thrush, Aplomado Falcon, Plain Chachalaca, Olive Sparrow, Long-billed Thrasher,

Green Jay, Altamira Oriole, Audubon's Oriole, Ringed Kingfisher, Green Kingfisher, Great Kiskadee, Clay-colored Thrush, Aplomado Falcon, Plain Chachalaca, Olive Sparrow, Long-billed Thrasher,

Annual Birding Conference

Lower Rio Grande Valley: Harlingen, TX

11th-16th January 2024

Welcome to the landing page for the annual QBNA birding conference - we’re excited you’re here! For decades this group has been meeting at fabulous locations all around North America to foster community and create safe spaces to enjoy birding together. This group is open to anyone in the LGBTQIA+ community, as well as allies. We have a zero tolerance policy at QBNA events to ensure these events are as inclusive and safe as possible. Our zero tolerance policy extends to, but is not limited to: homophobia, racism, transphobia, queerphobia, biphobia, misogyny, harassment, xenophobia, classism, ageism, and ableism. We reserve the right to ask any individual to leave an event and deny you access in the future, with no guarantee of a refund.

We hope you’ll consider joining us for this fabulous birding conference or for future QBNA birding tours or events.

Dates & Attendance

This year’s conference is in Harlingen, TX from January 11th-16th, 2024 and is open to 54 participants (first come, first serve), and 6 paid, professional birding guides, who are also members of the LGBTQIA+ community. If this conference fills quickly we will consider opening it to additional participants as transportation and hotel availability allows.

Conference Costs

The conference fee is $750.00 per person. This fee covers 4 full days of guided birding tours to the Lower Rio Grande Valley’s best locations, an evening birding mixer on the deck at Estero Llano Grande State Park, a wonderfully queer keynote presentation by Christina Baal, a pizza party, shuttles to and from the Harlingen airport to the conference hotel on arrival and departure day, and a welcome packet with some QBNA swag. This fee DOES NOT include your hotel stay, or meals (the pizza party and mixer is on us). Lunch and breakfast items can be purchased across the street from the conference hotel at the HEB and stored in the refrigerators in your rooms. This also means you can buy what works best for your body, so you’ll feel nourished, and we’ll reduce overall food waste. Your swag bags will include utensils and bowls, and can be used to transport your lunches on field trips.

Hotel Accommodations

The official conference hotel is the Courtyard by Marriott Harlingen at 1725 W Filmore Ave @ South Expressway 83, 78550 We have negotiated a rate of $119/night during the conference. You are expected to book your own rooms, this will allow you to easily coordinate with anybody that you’d like to room with.

To reserve your stay at the QBNA rate of $119/night please use this link:

If you would like to book a different hotel there are many to choose from within walking distance of the conference hotel.

Conference Schedule

Something about birding the valley in Winter… detailed itinerary here:

REGISTRATION for Conference

To sign-up for this birding conference you must do the following:

  • email the organizers at and provide your full name, email, phone, and number of people. If you’re registering for more than one you must provide their full name and contact information as well.

Please enjoy some of our photos from past tours in South Texas.